Hanwha’s Lee Sung-gon announces his retirement from the game

Baseball player Lee Sung-gon is retiring.

On the 21st, Lee posted a long post on his personal account saying, “Hello, this is Lee Sung-gon. I’m going to end my playing career,” he wrote on his personal account.

He announced his retirement, saying, “Everyone quits at least once in their career, but it’s a strange feeling to finally quit.” He added, “As I finish my 20-year career, I’m thinking of many moments that weren’t glamorous but were very important to me.”

“There were moments when I wanted to give up, moments when I felt like giving up, moments when I overcame and achieved results, and moments when I still failed,” he said. “Compared to other great players, I didn’t have much success as a baseball player, but I don’t think there’s any shame in that.”

“Of course, not everyone can succeed as a baseball player, and someone has to taste the bitterness of defeat,” said Lee. “In the process, I challenged, studied, tried, and tried to succeed. I gave it everything I had and accepted the results,” he said of his decision to retire.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have regrets, but I was happy, but I still haven’t given up on baseball,” he said. “Now I have to take it in a different direction, but I think it’s going to be fun. I didn’t become a ‘better baseball player than my father,’ which was my dream, but I will live to be a better baseball player in the future.”

In conclusion, Lee Sung-gon said, “I will leave my playing career with regrets, but I believe that it will be an experience to become a better baseball player, and I will continue to love baseball with all my heart and treat it with as much sincerity as I love it,” adding, “I have enjoyed it so much and I am so grateful and thankful.”

Lee Sung-gon is the son of commentator Lee Soon-cheol and played for the Hanwha Eagles. 스포츠토토사이트

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